Rip it up and start again

By Anonymous - 24/12/2022 15:00

Today, after fasting for 24 hours and drinking 2 buckets of laxatives, my doctor's office notified me that my colonoscopy had been cancelled. I'd just finished the prep by taking the fart pills, and now have the cleanest colon ever. A lot of time spent on the toilet that I’ll never get back though. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 052
You deserved it 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The doctor missed what sounds like an... ...un-shitty situation. Sorry you had to endure the worst part of that procedure.

The really worst part is knowing you have to go through this all again when your colonoscopy is rescheduled…


The doctor missed what sounds like an... ...un-shitty situation. Sorry you had to endure the worst part of that procedure.

The really worst part is knowing you have to go through this all again when your colonoscopy is rescheduled…

DirtySalamander 9

now you are ready for anal. hehe