By doneanddone - 28/02/2009 17:33 - United States

Today, I was over at a friend's place until very late. He had stolen my keys as a joke at some point, but by the time I noticed, he was too drunk to remember where he'd hidden them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 781
You deserved it 8 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Watch your keys around drunk people, I guess.

sounds like maybe he forgot on purpose somebody likes you and wanted you to stay over


That sucks. Watch your keys around drunk people, I guess.

Rach_Rach 0

Haha, this sorta thing happened to me only someone who was drinking put my phone in his safe. :( Luckily i convinced him to get it out before he was smashed.

Hey #5, since you're the genius here, find the part in this FML where it says the OP was drinking.

Blind_Ninja 0

This reminds me of this one time my friend and I were drinking at my house. The both of us were really, really drunk. Something triggered in his head and a good night of drinking turned into him being emotional; both sad and angry. It got to the point where he was so mad that he just wanted to go home. Well, only problem was he couldn't find his keys... so he breaks his own car window with a big rock. Still couldn't find his keys.

sounds like maybe he forgot on purpose somebody likes you and wanted you to stay over

So i was there that night. The OP never found his keys. And no, no one was driving. We live in a city

That sux. Next time keep them out of reach

irtehscarry 0

@14... ummm what does living in a city have to do with not driving...?

ever seen beerfest? get him really drunk again and see if he remembers where he put em!