
By dr immature - 23/12/2013 23:11 - United States - Washington

Today, I diagnosed a patient with a spastic colon. For some reason, the term "spastic colon" has always amused me, and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as I said it. By the time I managed to stop laughing, my eyes were watering and my patient was visibly angry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 406
You deserved it 48 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm glad to see doctors still find medical terminology childish


an3ph 20

If you are anywhere near where I live, I'm your new patient.

Most people have words or use terms that they find funny. I'm often scheduled to do a hand job (revise a document on paper by hand instead of edit on screen). To stop myself laughing a have to say the word over and over in the loo before hand and think of something dull.

You have no right to practice medicine. Yeah even certain medical conditions in the right context can be funny, but that context is never right in front of a patient who's been recently diagnosed. I can't believe someone as immature as you even graduated medical school, but this is living proof that having a degree doesn't necessarily prove you're smart and especially mature. Go back to school until you are an adult.

How about act professional? You're a ******* doctor & that's people lives you're laughing at

It is good to see that you can have fun on the job but I would try to keep that more personal in case you offend someone.

that's not cool. Your patient has a spastic colon. What is that again? Sounds bad, and funny at the same time. Lol

Who said anything about a hospital? If he's giving this news he's likely a general practitioner and has a practice somewhere.

You're a doctor with no self control. Hope i don't end up in your ER.