By ebe - 15/05/2019 14:08

Today, my landlord, due to a past of being an asshole and now enhanced with dementia, suddenly jumped down my throat for parking incorrectly in the driveway, because there's no room for their two cars. He hasn't had two cars in a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 721
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry, but if you KNOW what/how to park there, why would you take advantage of the fact that he hasn't had two cars for over a year? someone is the asshole here, but it's not your landlord. Respect the rules. He probably had some visitors over that couldn't park there because someone else parked like a complete tool.

Good thing you prepaid your rent for the year! Or that’s what you’d have him believe.


bloopaloop 27

Is the “jumping down your throat” how you pay the rent?

sorry, but if you KNOW what/how to park there, why would you take advantage of the fact that he hasn't had two cars for over a year? someone is the asshole here, but it's not your landlord. Respect the rules. He probably had some visitors over that couldn't park there because someone else parked like a complete tool.

It is also possible that the OP was not in the wrong at all and the landlord is just that crazy, as people with dementia tend to be.

It's also possible that OP can't park, like the people at my complex who keep parking in my spot ><

Good thing you prepaid your rent for the year! Or that’s what you’d have him believe.