
By GuiltByTenuousAssociation - 01/03/2010 13:17 - United States

Today, I parked and noticed a car that was identical to mine across from me. I thought it was an amusing coincidence until I came back to find both cars trashed. At least the vandal realized their mistake and left a note saying, "You deserve it for having the same car as that cheater, asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 414
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So because you have the same car as a cheating spouse, you deserve to have your car trashed? No wonder they were cheated on. Psycho.

The great part is that now you can go to the owner of the other trashed car, and team up and make her pay for 2 damaged cars. Karma baby, Karma.


crazy woman these days. some crazy bitch does that to my baby boxster and I will lose it. gotta keep the pimp hand strong, TC and fellow men.

iSwag 0

@ 35: your name sounds like THE BEST Oreo on the don't know how bad I want an Oreo now

eytanrodin 0

Fake. they wouldn't have stuck around to write a note when they still had to vandalize the other car. Too many coincidences. I call BS!

LOL - the vandal was "First!" with a YDI..

I know I was thinking the same thing!

Why would u break the window if ur key doesn't work? wouldn't you think logically that oh wait maybe this isn't my car? morons. but onto the op, I agree that I wouldve waited for the owner of the other car found out who did it and took the bitch for everything she owns.

youthink_fml 0

Only a woman would be that psycho.

only woman trash other people's cars, men don't do that to cars, they usually trash there cheating wifes. i prefer the womans style here :/ i dont have a car anyways

its like they know you or something lol

I'm just impressed that someone stupid enough to think that trashing cars is an appropriate reaction to infidelity had the presence of mind to place a comma (correctly) between "cheater" and "asshole".

boatkicker 4

Perhaps OP corrected it, so that they wouldn't get in MORE trouble because other people did wrong. Someone else cheats, he gets his car smashed and an angry note. Someone forgets a comma, he fixes it so that no one e-shouts at him about bad grammar.