By Anonymous - 03/01/2015 21:16 - United States - Newark

Today, as I left the supermarket, I found someone had hit my car in the parking lot. There was a note tucked under the wipers. Insurance details? Nope. It just said "Sorry dude. I fucked up. Good luck with the car." Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 079
You deserved it 2 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

"I'm just writing this because someone saw and I want to make it look like I'm giving you my details. Have fun with repairs!"

Classic "pretend to write a note so I'm not suspicious" move. People will do anything to get out of trouble. Sorry, OP.


Sorry OP that really sucks, hopefully karma will get them back for you

Maybe you can check if there were security camera and ask the supermarket manager for the footage.

Bingo. Even if you can't spot the cameras, most supermarkets do have cameras recording the parking lot.

Classic "pretend to write a note so I'm not suspicious" move. People will do anything to get out of trouble. Sorry, OP.

AnOriginalName 19

"I'm just writing this because someone saw and I want to make it look like I'm giving you my details. Have fun with repairs!"

Some people are real jerks. Im sorry OP

Sterling_1s 8

What a waste of good ink and paper.

It's expensive to fix a serious ding, but your integrity should be worth it

What does his integrity have to do with any of this?

Not OP's integrity, the integrity of the jerk who wouldn't own up to hitting someone's car. #9 is saying the person who hit OP's car should have had the integrity to pay for the damage even though it might be really expensive. And I agree, I don't know why they got thumbed down for that.

#20, I think the reason he was thumbed down was because the way his comment was phrased made it sounds like he was talking about OP's integrity.

rhcpgurl 18

Go to the management of whatever parking lot it was at ( I'm hoping a place of business). Ask for the tapes and file a police report because that was technically a hit and run. Keep the note as proof. If there are no cameras then FYL man

it depends. sometimes police wont do anything due to it being private property. I know the same thing.happened to my ex, and police couldnt do anything about it, even with the guys license plate.

rhcpgurl 18

Very true. But i hope for OPs sake something can be done you know?

Where I live, anything that happens in any parking lot is automatically considered equal fault and everyone involved has to pay their own damages, because no one technically has the right of way in a parking lot. So even if someone hits your parked car while you're not even there, it's officially considered half your fault and they wouldn't have to pay to fix it for you. I don't what the rules are where OP lives though, hopefully something can be done!

#21, wtf kind of rule is that? So pretty much they're like "Even though you were legally parked there and parked correctly, because of our rule, it's partially your fault your car got it.

my friend had to attend a driving class and in it he said they basically told you that everything is your fault no matter when when where how and why

Tis the season for cheap people, and hit n runs!