By lk26 - 08/02/2009 05:32 - United States

Today, I went to my car to discover a note on the windshield from the city telling me that they had hit my car. On top of that note was a parking ticket, also from the city. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 585
You deserved it 2 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christopherlove 0

An entire city hit your car? FYL indeed!

i live in chicago and i got so many bullshit tickets about no parking signs that were completely bogus that i had to make a "ticket contestation template". i think i got like 7 tickets and contested all of them and won. those parking people must make a commission or something...


christopherlove 0

An entire city hit your car? FYL indeed!

i live in chicago and i got so many bullshit tickets about no parking signs that were completely bogus that i had to make a "ticket contestation template". i think i got like 7 tickets and contested all of them and won. those parking people must make a commission or something...

amatayo 0

Well if you parked legally you would not have been hit.

your fault. if you parked correct none of this would have happened. they did the right thing.

Averageman 0

dispute that, that is bullsh*t they should not be allowed to do that. were you parked illegaly? F'ing government and their scams

TheZarola 10

If you didn't park illegally, your car wouldn't have gotten hit. YDI.

so by law the city should pay to fix your unless you were parked illegally, you're still stuck with the ticket