By Anonymous - 07/10/2014 16:06 - United States

Today, my little sister decided the best way to cheat on a test is to take someone else's test, scratch through their name in pencil, and write her name underneath. She starts high school next semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 201
You deserved it 3 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She's going places... Definitely not college, but places.


tony1891 22
ChristianH39 30

Especially not this one in particular.

If you're not cheating you're not trying :]

I dunno maybe it was really dark pencil uh oh

Because who uses erasers anyways? pfft!

If you can get away with cheating then you deserve to cheat ( this excludes cheating on ones spouse or significant other )

Garnetshaddow 30

@#72 That must be the explanation for baseball! They have enough money to get away with steroid use, so it's ok to cheat! Oh right. Morality!

Sorry, but I have to. Cheats never prosper*

91, it's technically cheaters never prosper... he was right in the first place

A mastermind would have scratched out the name in pen. She is just your average, petty criminal.

A mastermind would have carried whiteout on them.

She's going places... Definitely not college, but places.

16, but it's just so appropriate for this situation.

"Welcome to Mc.Donalds, how may I take your order?"

ugh the very rare times i actually go there, i just think of how disgusting and horrible that job must be. and then i say a prayer that ill never have to work there

I work there.. Haha, but I'm a senior, with good grades:P Goals to go along with that!

Well if you score higher end manager position I hear they make bank.

#44 "I just wanna watch my figure" anyways. she is not going to make it far in highschool from what I can see...

cadillacgal79 32

Now see what she should've done is thoroughly erased said name, and wrote her own. Pshh, amateur.

Or just erased all doubt by copying answers and changing wording/math a bit. Changing names in any fashion is pure bush league. Handwriting style, and if math is involved, math setup and solving style is always different. Then there is the question involved of why someone who was given the test and expected to perform decently didn't even turn in the test, or performed extremely poorly if the cheating girl bothered to put the other's name on her test. “Bush league (psych out) stuff, laughable man” - The Jesus - The Big Lebowski

Frankly I'm surprised she's gotten this far

ChristianH39 30

I read this in Castiel's voice, and it was perfect.

It sounds to me like she's one of those students teacher pass because they feel bad for them and don't want to have to deal with them again next year.

Mc2013 18

When I was in HS I cheated off of the smartest kid in class, answer for answer. Still got a lower grade.

JMichael 25

He/she knew you were cheating, so they wrote wrong answers and changed them after you turned your test in.

orbit 22

One time in HS someone copied my exact answers but he failed while I got an 80. turns out the questions were in a different order on everyones test haha.

Mc2013 18

Could be, except we went over the answers together when the teacher was out of the room and I turned all the tests in.

I had a teacher that did that. He got fired the next year.

When people try to cheat off me I make sure to give them the wrong answers because I hate it when people get grades they haven't worked for. Cheaters hate me but hard workers love me

simplysarcastics 26

I did that all the time because I don't work hard for people to cheat off me if I have to work so do you. So I would tell them to bug off, give wrong answers or just sit there for a bit! One guy asked me why I had an A and he had a F, I said because you didn't study. People would target the smarties and try to be our friends, sit close and cheat but I wasn't having that.

Eh, I always let people copy my answers. It didn't hurt me any and it helped with their grades. They weren't going to pass anyway if the only A's they were getting were from me.

tantanpanda 26

God this pisses me off. If you're cheating, you deserve to fail. Oh, you're copying my test? that's cool, except we have different forms. If you really find cheating ok, go to a lower level class where you don't need to study to pass. My school doesn't tolerate cheating, especially AP. If you're going for college credit by examination, cheating off of someone is basically forfeiting your possible credit. Cheating off of people only hurts you, unless you're in L level (on level, whatever your school calls it) cuz that level seriously teaches nothing. oh, #7, if both you got the same failing score, either that person isn't as smart as you think they are, or you're in a really tough AP class. probably the former.

Mc2013 18

Well my goodness #98. Go sit in some ice cubes and cool down. 'cuz' your panties seem to be in a serious knot.

orbit 22

#7 said she got a "lower" score. She did t say they both failed.

Are you SURE she starts next semester? They didn't get the names mixed up?

Am I the only one who sees the positive in this!? She sucks at cheating and at deception... That's a good thing! She either doesn't have much practice, or she's an idiot. I'm gonna hope it's the former on this one. Lesson learned, too, I hope! Be a good person, little sis. No more cheating!!! Lol

I see what you're saying and hopefully she will learn not to cheat from this experience, but the biggest issue here isn't that she cheated or that she's bad at cheating but that she's just a complete idiot. I don't know how far she can go career wise if she lacks common sense that badly. Hopefully she's one of those people that lack common sense and "street smarts" but is extremely smart in other areas; unfortunately it sounds like this isn't the case though.