
By GuiltByTenuousAssociation - 01/03/2010 13:17 - United States

Today, I parked and noticed a car that was identical to mine across from me. I thought it was an amusing coincidence until I came back to find both cars trashed. At least the vandal realized their mistake and left a note saying, "You deserve it for having the same car as that cheater, asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 414
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So because you have the same car as a cheating spouse, you deserve to have your car trashed? No wonder they were cheated on. Psycho.

The great part is that now you can go to the owner of the other trashed car, and team up and make her pay for 2 damaged cars. Karma baby, Karma.


What an asshole. On the bright side, if there's any security footage, etc, of the area, you might get lucky, even more-so since the crook left a note that could possibly be analyzed.

Gobsnoglin 0

Anybody who clicked YDI is a ******* retard. I know, I'm not allowed to say that, but **** you if you can't take it.

Yeah, to bad the OP is to dumb to do this xD

terran0 0

hahah only in other places than america

ChicaChica5683 0

What a douchebag. You definitely did not deserve it.

Report it to the police. Give them the note. Give them the license plate of the other car. Pretty stupid to leave a note.

sparxva 12

I'm calling fake. The "my car got trashed by mistake" plot line has been reused more times than vampire stories in Hollywood.