
By GuiltByTenuousAssociation - 01/03/2010 13:17 - United States

Today, I parked and noticed a car that was identical to mine across from me. I thought it was an amusing coincidence until I came back to find both cars trashed. At least the vandal realized their mistake and left a note saying, "You deserve it for having the same car as that cheater, asshole!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 414
You deserved it 2 826

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So because you have the same car as a cheating spouse, you deserve to have your car trashed? No wonder they were cheated on. Psycho.

The great part is that now you can go to the owner of the other trashed car, and team up and make her pay for 2 damaged cars. Karma baby, Karma.


isreal 0

u should not have parked to a car the same as your the person my have tryed to open his car broke yo window

Damn, #16!!! That's exactly what I was gonna say!!! :D


I have to agree. Team up! It'll be so worth it when there is no way to deny that she is insane to the police. Make sure you hang on to that note too.

imdeborah 0

*sigh* Why do people always assume that trashing cars is the answer? And even if you do decide it is, you should at least make damn sure you've got the right car. But seriously, that's screwed up. You cannot deserve it because you had the same car, I bet loads of people all over the country had the same car (unless you had a really obscure colour). No one deserves having their car smashed up because it's the same as someone else's, especially someone they don't even know. I think idkweird is onto something by suggesting sticking around until the other person showed up, unless they turned out to be even more of a psycho. But hopefully the police will do something, and that your insurance covers it.

Well, I hate to be the one to say it but... you deserve it for having the same car as that cheater, asshole!

Well, we know the vote of that person who trashed.

this is funny, I had a fit once because my key didn't work to open the car, I was in a hurry and came really close to break the window, only to look up and see my car two spots down

Babushka_Homyak 10

Wait for the owner of the other car, and go to the police. Simple solution