Helping hand

By Anonymous - 30/06/2020 02:02

Today, its been so long since I've been single, I’ve reached the age where I need Viagra just to masturbate since there’s no woman in my life to save the pills for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 550
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

J15237 25

Hey man have you considered using Tinder or some other websites? If you are looking for just sex? If you are looking for a true relationship you can try E harmony and what not. Just an idea for you.

ojoRojo 27

Or if you’re not horny all the time you could just like...not ********** as often lol


J15237 25

Hey man have you considered using Tinder or some other websites? If you are looking for just sex? If you are looking for a true relationship you can try E harmony and what not. Just an idea for you.

Their called hookers mate. I’m not talking the street walkers. Go for a massage. Those girls are happy to rub you the right way.

You know the Internet has tons of free ****? Or is the Viagra a cure for lack of imagination?

ojoRojo 27

Or if you’re not horny all the time you could just like...not ********** as often lol