By Anonymous - 25/08/2011 18:21 - United States

Today, I got a mass text message from a friend saying she's sorry she can't meet up with our group of friends for drinks because she's busy tonight. This is the first I've heard of any bar-crawling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 412
You deserved it 2 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments


This just tells me you're an innocent little girl.

Because if you've never heard of bar crawling you don't get out much.

JurassicHole 5

I think she means it's the first time she's heard of her friends bar-crawling. Implying she's sort of an outcast of the group, because they don't invite her. :/

salvorican 24

I think op meant that no one mentioned they were going bar crawling... Not that they never heard of it.. Like what the other comment says..

rallets 22

...because of that? i get out plenty :)

#10, but she got a mass text from one friend who messaged and said that she can't make it. It doesn't say that she got lots of texts from many friends and everyone saying they can't make it tonight. If I miss read the fml I'm sorry but it's not worded the best.

paynee 0

Comment didn't make that much sense.. But it's a effin epic comment! I can has the dark side of moon?

Barbarossa_fml 0

I'm on the mobile site so I can't see where OP is from.. but bar crawling?? I've never heard of that term and it sounds a bit funny lol. I say bar hopping.

Awwwwe. They didn't invite you. Yeah two weeks ago you weren't invited to dinner. You smell too much like stale onions and dirty laundry.

JurassicHole 5

#18 - I get where you're coming from, but it's just the fact that the one friend sent a mass text, accidentally including OP, telling the group she couldn't go, but OP was never invited nor had ever been. That's what I get from it at least, it's a lil confusing.

Aj### You have the most insane comments

Rofl marinus curtin university is not going to get you a job at big 4, or other large investment banks ... Just got an internship at Merrill Lynch for 6 weeks in the summer .. Transfer to university of sydney .

#37, I did vacation work at Ernst&Young 18july -29 July, since then they have offered me a graduate position, and I have signed my contract to commence work May 2013.

Ah, don't you love that? Then later when you hear friends talking about it and they're like "Oh, you should've come, it would have been so much more fun with you!" and it's like... "An invitation would've been nice." That does suck. Carelessness on the friend's part, too! Forget 'em.

First marinus comment I've ever seen thumbed down.

crazyrunnergirl 7
crazyrunnergirl 7

They would be if I had had anything to do with it :)

Sound like a group of friends I had. I joined late and things were great then one of the chicks became a crazy bitch so I stopped hanging out with her. Now none of them invite me to hang out or anything. They all do stuff together sans me. They still pretend to be my friend but they suck. I'm not lame or anything or the sort. Some people suck.

hisgirlherboy 5

"bar crawling"? maybe that's why they didn't invite you

Maybe just a little hint on how tight you really are with that group of people...

Reply to the text. She'll be embarassed that you found out that they've been going without you, and her friends will be mad at her for letting out the secret. In the meantime find new friends.

Send her a text saying your trip to the movies or something was cancelled so she'll feel the same way you do.

BelleBelle_fml 11

So basically you think OP should stoop to their so-called "friends" immature and mean-spirited level?

brenda83002 2

Not the texter's fault as she obviously didn't know the writer wasn't invited - whoever planed the outing is the jerk. I agree, time for new friends!

^ I feel your profile pic lacks the right amount of derp-facing to go with your comment....