By doughgirl101 - 07/09/2011 05:59 - Canada

Today, my parents canceled the Internet at our house because they view it as a "passing fad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 749
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And I'm guessing they probably ride pogo sticks to work because those will be popular forever.


OP will live. There is Internet everywhere that he/she can access.

Passing Fad? We haven't even seen the internet yet, there is so much to come!

Gotta agree with the parents, there issnt much to do on the Internet anyways

There is a lot to do in the Internet!! You can watch a video of a monkey scratching its butt for example.

I disagree 42. There's the always hilarious "Missed Connections" portion of Craigslist, ****, YouTube, ****, and of course, FML. Side note: Whatever happened to and Those sites were awesome back in the day...

jonan1212 5
okiidokii_fml 6

Buy an iPhone der and use 3G and send them The bill and tell them that stupidity is a passing fad too

okiidokii_fml 6

Buy an iPhone der and use 3G and send them The bill and tell them that stupidity is a passing fad too

I seriously doubt 42 was being serious -.-

ImFrackinBored 13
nixom1334 6

Op probably has internet on their phone or somewhere else, like a friends house or the library. please don't be ignorant and think it's impossible

iAmScrubs 19

And I'm guessing they probably ride pogo sticks to work because those will be popular forever.

pogo sticks are for wussies. trikes are where it's at.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Nah man, it's all about the unicycle.

Everyone at my job rides Big-wheels to work

I learned how to drift at a very young age because my big wheel had that side brake. (:

GREEN MEAN MONSTER MACHINE ( the green bike for kids.. Not sure if that's the correct name )

You mean it's not? I should've thought harder about that investment in telekinetic helmets.

They may take our lives, they may take our freedom, BUT THEY WILL *NEVER* TAKE OUR INTERNET ****!!!

Andr913 13

91-I have an iPhone on Verizon.

marpay 11

So something that has been around since 1960 is a passing fad? Even if you just count the 20 years it's been readily available it's more than a fad. It's time to educate your parents.

No u learn yours because the Internet came along with the computers around the 1950-60

marpay 11

Even though it wasn't commercially available till the 90's is was being developed in the 60's. Only a few computers where connected, mostly at 4 universities in the USA.

The Internet is useless. What can one possibly do with only a world of possibilities at their fingertips? Give it a year, people will come to their senses

For anyone who can't pick up on it, that was sarcasm

Saying that something was sarcastic kind of ruins it, but I see why you did, there are an abundance of people on here of whom sarcasm flies right over their head.. Anyway, OP... that just sucks. Your parents are idiots.

kiran_fml 5

It's good he did because some people just never get it

... Time to buy a laptop and start spending copious amounts of time in public places with free wifi... FYL!

bwenduh45 7

Oh no how will you have friends now?!?! :O(sarcasm)

kingalexander315 4

If your parents disconnected the Internet then how did you make this post?

From a well known spot with wi-fi called McDonalds, or stardbuck's, an internet cafè, or a friend's house.

Then use Internet off the phone, there's a safari app.


Hey I know you ur Alan that is the email person

Nah, the OP used carrier pigeons to deliver her FML message, which was chiseled onto a stone tablet, to Alan who then posted it here for her :P