By painful - 24/07/2011 08:55 - Norway

Today, I was stuck in the car with my grandma for an hour as she described to me how she had looked through my great grandma's poop to make sure her calcium pills were being digested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 583
You deserved it 2 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i spent like 5 mins trying to come up with a response to this but i just couldn't.

iAmScrubs 19

"Well, let me tell you one thing young one. The first thing I check for is if the poop is a healthy shade of green. Then I put my hand in it to check if it is the right texture. The last thing I do is waft the smell towards me. It should smell like a combination between sulphuric acid and orange juice."


enonymous 8

Well how else would you check? I roll around in my own poop looking for.... oh who the **** am I fooling I do it for fun

lukehappygilmore 4
enonymous 8

Yes just becareful I had Cuban last night. it burned going in and out

YDI OP because I say YDI to everything.

I like Cuban in me sometimes, too. They're freaks in the bed. Nothing wrong with a little burn!

At least there wasn't sperm and blood in his poop

You roll around in your own poop for fun? I would have to take an hour-long shower after that.

-51 Usually it's with piss when i do these things. enoumous, come to Vegas I hired strippers to join us!

What happens in Akershus, stays in Akershus

Thunderbender 2

OP don't leave us with a cliffhanger like that I'm on the edge of my seat! DID THEY GET DIGESTED OR NOT!!!

ifailplzinsultme 0
ifailplzinsultme 0

Damn nobody else showers in poop?

I wonder if she licked the poop like in Year One.

NastyNinja31 0

no she had to take them again

kmumma 3
T0sta 8

judging by your comment along with your picture, you really like sex..

olpally 32

that is a shitty sit.. never-mind I know that comment is overused.. that's just f**king disgusting!! cover your ears then.. fyl op... :(

mynameisusername 4

Your cleverness has failed you and you successfuly pissed me off. :)

may i recomond u gat angor manugmant?

mynameisusername 4

I'm no grammar nazi but that was just wrong on so many levels.

olpally 32

then go **** yourself asshole and don't comment if u see the comment is buried you dumb ass...go rot in hell for all I care..

ifailplzinsultme 0

you should have just said the shitty pun. maybe you would have gotten less thumbs down.

omgcookeys 15

they could just drink a lot of milk.. of course, that could lead to bowel trouble

I do that every day to my girlfriend because she's a vaegetable!!

i spent like 5 mins trying to come up with a response to this but i just couldn't.

Iwashere12345 0
Meraklez1013 9