By scalmon - 13/05/2011 17:08 - United States

Today, while making love to my wife, I let slip her sister's name. I don't think it would calm her down much if I told the truth: I was actually thinking of an ex girlfriend who shares the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 360
You deserved it 67 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wiggs5 0

That's pretty ****** up. Try not to think of your ex during sex, she's your ex for a reason!


WiFi_ght_Club 0

That's why it's best to fantasize about people you don't know! And to everyone who's giving this guy grief - roughly 80% of woment have fantasized about someone other than their partner during sex in the past 2 months. Gleaned from an article on Yahoo this very morning!

alexalways27 0

You have to think of someone else when having sex with your wife?!? And you had the balls to write "making love"! I would hope she leaves you, because she deserves better then you.

lkhascall 0

um your married to her because????.......****** up much? if you marry someone you should probably be think about them

you obviously weren't making love to your wife in your head were you

wow, its time to really show her you love her in a big romantic way. either get her a really large bouquet of flowers and cook a fancy dinner surprise, or buy her some white gold necklace w a diamond. and DON'T complain if she needs to really hear you say how much you love and are attracted to her.

G_thelegend 0

youre an ass. you need a good slap.

ManicGypsy 22

Ummm.... hate to break the news to ya bub (and I know I'm not the first to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway, just in hopes that it sinks in), if you were thinking of a woman other than your wife, then you were not "making love".

MuchDance90s 0

YDI for treating a human being like a blow up doll. Save your fantasies for masturbation.