By scalmon - 13/05/2011 17:08 - United States

Today, while making love to my wife, I let slip her sister's name. I don't think it would calm her down much if I told the truth: I was actually thinking of an ex girlfriend who shares the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 360
You deserved it 67 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wiggs5 0

That's pretty ****** up. Try not to think of your ex during sex, she's your ex for a reason!


What is up with all of the guys calling out the name of the woman they are fantasizing about? Cant you have the fantasy and shut your mouth like the rest of us? YDI, idiot.

Exactly! My mind is everywhere when I have sex. I fantasize about all sorts of things when I do my husband. But, I would never say the name of someone else. I mean, it's not like it is that hard to separate reality from fantasy. And, the whole saying someone's name during sex thing is sort of lame anyway imho. I prefer satisfied moans and groans. :D

krista2009 0

wow douche you don't deserve her if you are like that loser

PurpleBananas11 1

You're a horrible scum bag, shes your ex!

turruhmasprime 0

Your a ******* dick. And your dick, probably won't get any booty if you act like that.

turruhmasprime 0

Your a ******* dick. And your dick, probably won't get any booty if you act like that.