By scalmon - 13/05/2011 17:08 - United States

Today, while making love to my wife, I let slip her sister's name. I don't think it would calm her down much if I told the truth: I was actually thinking of an ex girlfriend who shares the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 360
You deserved it 67 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wiggs5 0

That's pretty ****** up. Try not to think of your ex during sex, she's your ex for a reason!


hanzoo 0

i think she'd prefer that you were thinking of your ex over your sister...

dookiedoo 0

you my friend, are an ass hat

Why on earth did you marry her then if you love your ex???? Dumb ass

Less talk, more action. Clearly not enough blood to run your brain and junior at the same time.

juturnaamo 29

I guess I'm lucky. My exes name was Oh God Yes. At least that's what I called him. Maybe OP really loves his wife, but his x was better in bed?

I have to beg to differ... Making love to someone is the most intimate, personal thing you can do with someone. If that someone is the person you are MARRIED to.. the person you promised to by loyal and faithful to for the rest of your life, then something like that is completely unacceptable. I know if my Man ever said anything like that during our love-making (because that's exactly what it is... showing someone else and sharing with them how much you love them..) I would be heartbroken. :(

Someone needs to read more Dan Savage. :)

Seriously?? There is nothing wrong with fantasies and thinking about other people during sex.. Perfectly normal & healthy to do.. The mistake is leaving this as a misunderstanding.. The OP's wife is now likely to be suspicious around her sister because of a misunderstanding.. Just be upfront.. You may well find out your wife was thinking about the mailman/butcher or her celebrity crush..

kimboyett 0

I'm gonna say this makes you a douche bag...

you need to find someone to fantasize about that has the same name as your wife or stop yelling out names... but seriously explain that its not her sister or things may get out of control.

leoisthebestt123 0

119- I agree. it is a honest mistake cause my bf has done and you know knowing I'm a girl I kinda flipped but then we made up and it's never happened again. and were in love. it was a mistake and ppl make mistakes nobodys perfectt.!