By scalmon - 13/05/2011 17:08 - United States

Today, while making love to my wife, I let slip her sister's name. I don't think it would calm her down much if I told the truth: I was actually thinking of an ex girlfriend who shares the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 360
You deserved it 67 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wiggs5 0

That's pretty ****** up. Try not to think of your ex during sex, she's your ex for a reason!


FMLsOhilarious 6

You'd be sleeping in the dog house if you were my husband. And if you don't have a dog house, you'd be on the couch asshole.

better fess up ex >>>>>>> sister

perdix 29

It would be worse if it were your CURRENT girlfriend's name. Uh, is there something you want to tell us? ;)

SteelCladAngel 0

I called my (now) husband by a male friends name but we werent having sex we were working on my husbands car and i used to help my friend mess with his car all the time so I did it out of habit rather than douchebaggery

JesterMarcus 0

I love how all of you women actually think us men fantasize about you while we are actually doing you. Are you stupid? Why fantasize about the woman you are actually doing the deed with? It makes no sense. At least he isn't cheating. Granted he's a moron for saying something and she has a right to be mad but think realistically people.

lmaoatall 6

and your a shitass too. I'll be thinking about what a terd you are next time I'm getting busy myself. thanx!

lkhascall 0

haha so I take it you have never been in love then...hmmmm so your cool with a girl you care about whispering another name while you do her? just wait till it happens to you

joa76 3

No, see, you're not supposed to fantasize about the woman you're with, you're supposed to EXPERIENCE the actual sex that you are actually having. If you have to fantasize about sex while you're actually having it, there's something wrong.

julia9322 0

that's so messed up. the only person u should b thinkin about at that time is ur wife.

lmaoatall 6

uh duh, just because it's an ex girlfriend doesn't make it better shitass! I hope she starts yelling out your best friends name in ecstacy! jerk!!! fhl not yours!