By scalmon - 13/05/2011 17:08 - United States

Today, while making love to my wife, I let slip her sister's name. I don't think it would calm her down much if I told the truth: I was actually thinking of an ex girlfriend who shares the same name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 360
You deserved it 67 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wiggs5 0

That's pretty ****** up. Try not to think of your ex during sex, she's your ex for a reason!


619warrior281 5
dakins 0

tell her so she can divorce ur ass and feel justified. really ur pathetic

and that's why talking during sex is a bad idea

That's why my happy place is the duck blinds. At least when I yell "Oh Spot! Oh Spot!" it's not another woman's name...

This is why they invented the word 'darling.'

if you still like you're ex why did you marry her I feel so bad for her and you are a stupid dushbeag

TempestRain 0

YDI for being an insensitive idiot. Note: whatever about the wife, this incident indicates that OP himself is probably crap in bed - everyone on here who's not a virgin knows that being totally immersed in the moment is what makes for mindblowing sex. Anyone who takes the lazy option of tuning in to their mental wank-bank instead of connecting sexually is foolish/selfish/wasting an opportunity. Get it together and put some effort in - fantasising about other people while you have sex is a copout and will only widen the sexual chasm between you. Sucks for your Mrs.

MuchDance90s 0

that's kinda true being in the moment is the very best sex it's actually harder for women to be in the moment than men, though!

paradiseisland01 0

OMG your better off saying nothing and hope it will never happen again . as I would say never open a can of worm unless your able to use them all. tell her it was a joke and wanted to see what you were thinking. .And laugh about it , she might think you were just trying to kid her since it's black Friday anyway.

I live all the self righteous bitches who think he is a douche for thinking if another woman. Let's face it, everyone has fantasies, it is natural. sometimes you need to think of someone else to finish, as what you got just isn't working for you at the time. It's reality ... so deal with it. Like you never thought of sex with another man...and if you say mo, you're LYING.

Or we don't think of other men while we're being rammed in by our husbands. To think that everyone is the same in thinking of another person when you're married is ******* retarded and makes you look like a ignorant **** nugget. Some people are a one man/woman type of person.

joa76 3

Why would you WANT to think about anyone else? It makes no sense, unless you don't enjoy having sex with that person. If you actually care about the person you're with and enjoy having sex with them, doing anything other than simply experiencing it and being in the moment will detract from it, not add.

MuchDance90s 0

thinking about another dude while I'm with my hubby would be using him like a *****! that's gross. if something isn't "working" I don't think about another guy, I switch things up a bit or ask my husband to do so.

Are you married for a long time? clearly not.