By Anonymous - 23/09/2013 06:15 - United States - San Diego

Today, while I was working, someone came in and attempted to purchase GTA 5 with a medical marijuana card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 065
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How high exactly do you have to be to make such a dumbass mistake? Or just how stupid? Or is there even a difference between the two? That's right. Come at me, stoners.

DFresh503 8

I've had drunk people hand me random stuff to pay for their goods (I'm a cashier at a minute mart) like receipts, club cards, business cards... I think in the moment people become oblivious to what they're doing. I'm sure it didn't help that the customer was most likely under the influence of ganja and excited to get GTA V. Why blame the medicine for stupidity, when stupidity is a much more common affliction?


How high exactly do you have to be to make such a dumbass mistake? Or just how stupid? Or is there even a difference between the two? That's right. Come at me, stoners.

I'm pretty sure that you'd have to be pretty stupid to get that high.

Or pretty high to be that stupid, whatever works for the person

DFresh503 8

I've had drunk people hand me random stuff to pay for their goods (I'm a cashier at a minute mart) like receipts, club cards, business cards... I think in the moment people become oblivious to what they're doing. I'm sure it didn't help that the customer was most likely under the influence of ganja and excited to get GTA V. Why blame the medicine for stupidity, when stupidity is a much more common affliction?

I work at a parking booth and sometimes people will give me hospital appointment cards or other things instead of the ticket. I can kind of see how you'd make a mistake.

Marijuana isnt medicine, if you really believe you need it then take liquid THC pills. THC is the only part that helps you

\ 28

DocBastard, our views are shared. I stand with you. And concerning weed, if it really does have "medicinal" properties, then why is it that everyone I know who smokes it has become a total failure? It is a DRUG that will slow you down and render you inoperable...

narkill 13

Jesus Indian, your like the A's only Chinese dad. Just because of what you've seen or Believe/ judged people enough, doesn't make you the deciding factor. But let's not go ahead and argue more.

I'm in the chronic pain clinic, and they give out medicinal weed. I wouldn't take it, though I take oxy pills. When you're at a certain level of pain, it can render you just add inoperable. Medicinal weed is a lower dose than people use to get high because that's all they need, and it has the drug that helps in it, which most street weed doesn't anymore (making it more dangerous).

DFresh503 8

It makes me sad to see how much outrage calling weed medicine can spark up. But seriously, because everyone you know is a failure doesn't mean everyone who uses it is a failure. I know Vietnam and Iraq veterans who prefer to use cannibis than pills for PTSD, my uncle who has polio and MS literally can't move until he puffs. I'm not here on FML to change anyone's opinion, but maybe you should get more experience with it, and the people it helps, to help you better form your opinions

CallMeMcFeelii 13

29, there's also CBD in marijuana. That's really helpful to relax the CNS. THC is what more or less gets you high. It helps increase appetite for people going through some serious shit. My recently deceased friend had stage 4 colon cancer and hardly ate a thing. She stood around 110-120 at her prime, after chemo she was only weighing around 80-90lbs . Weed seriously helped her keep up with somewhat normal eating regimes, and also helped keep the food in her. Of course this was done illegally because of the state I live in, but I know for a fact it helped her. Marijuana may be a recreational drug for some, for others it's a major player in helping them do necessities such as eating and sleeping.

Booda_Shun - Our views aren't entirely shared. Marijuana DOES indeed have medicinal properties, and for some it's necessary. That said, most people I've seen who smoke do so for fun, and I've heard countless stories of people who get medicinal marijuana cards through illegal venues.

rockne93 17

Having smoked since age 15, and having attained a bachelors degree in finance, a masters degree in econ and working towards another masters degree in business information technology- I can only imagine what I could have done by 24 years old, had I not toked the devils lettuce.

I can use my medical card to buy stuff? Who knew? Well I'm off to buy that 80 inch tv I've so wanted!

I read the post as saying he was trying to use the card as ID, rather than using it as a form of payment. Not that that makes it much better, but depending on the store policy you may be able to accept it (as proof of age, not as payment), since it's likely a state issued ID with a picture and a DoB.

MichellinMan 20

I don't know, DocBastard. Does this make my comment look fat?

#41 - that's a new one I have not yet heard where I live. Lol, the devils lettuce... :)

I would take the deal I'd pay the money for his game if I got the card

Are you high right now? There's the difference.

Ha if you could use it then that seems like a fair trade

^ there is definitely something wrong with that comment

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iGottaFindBubbah 12

Educate yourself about Autism before throwing it around like that, jerkface.

chocolatefrog28 29

I mean obviously he was completely sober and simply pulled out the wrong card...right?

Well, maybe he thought he could get a disability discount

desperate times call for desperate measures

jw90 18

How would he make such a confusion? Does a medical marijuana card allow one to pay for marijuana, or was it just a business card for a marijuana dispensary? (I'm British, we don't have medical marijuana so i don't know how it works). OR was he just high off his **** and confused the card for money?

it pretty much works like a prescription. he is legal to smoke it and be in possession of pot to a certian degree.

Ahh right, so the card is just to show he is legally allowed to have it?

In California, a person can get the medical marijuana card if they have problems that said drug could help, such as sleep apnea. The person then goes into a dispensary and can get it that way. Without the card, possession is illegal, but I'm not sure how that changes with the card.

middlenamefrank 8

Sounds like he's been making good use of his prescription!