
By Wolf - 07/11/2018 15:30

Today, I went to my local bank after getting an email from them concerning unknown purchases. Four hours later, I was still in police custody. Someone had been using my account to purchase guns and drugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 138
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Deez_Knots 10

Drug dealers accept credit now?

whiskey'swino 15

Don't you hate it when someone else has fun using your hard work? Usually thats called marriage.


whiskey'swino 15

Don't you hate it when someone else has fun using your hard work? Usually thats called marriage.

That’ll go great with your new office furniture.

Deez_Knots 10

Drug dealers accept credit now?

Either you need to secure your bank information better, or you need a new bank. Don't use public networks to do your online banking.

Jorn van der Ar 13

When you make up a story, make sure it makes sense.

Listerinekiss 8

I honestly didn't know you could buy crank with a debit card.