By masterdisaster - 11/04/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, one of our regular customers came in and was telling me he bought an assault rifle. I told him not to go off his meds and shoot up the store, as a joke. Later, my manager told me that the guy is on antidepressants and was discharged from the military for being "mentally unfit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 876
You deserved it 19 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does someone who's mentally unfit get a licence to an assault rifle. I'd change jobs! He'll be baaack

Uh oh... he will now come back for sure! :-o Run! Btw, how did the customer react on your joke?


dz_zb 0

ahah, never assume that anyone is sane. FIRST.

Uh oh... he will now come back for sure! :-o Run! Btw, how did the customer react on your joke?

How does someone who's mentally unfit get a licence to an assault rifle. I'd change jobs! He'll be baaack

I'll tell you how: he lives in South Carolina. 'nuff said.

Exactly, cuz eceryone there mentally unfit.

no he lives in america. you practically have shotgun vending machines

r u kidding me! really. afyer 911 u cant do anything. go ahead say the steriotypes but at least we dont give up in wars. btw today we just found and killed osama bin ladden!

jwg1993 0

I live in South Carolina. One of my best friends got a full ride to Stanford. So how 'bout you not make generalizations?

I think 65 meant that many people are allowed to carry guns in South Carolina..

'Murica, that's how. NRA wants everyone to have guns. For 'safety'.

Yeah, I think it's just a bluff

I'd get life insurance if I were you I never really understood why people would want money if they died when your dead nothing matters, unless your a damn creationist

Mr_Guy_Dude 17

Life insurance money is to help your family out with your expenses ex. Coffin, cremation, tombstone

Wow, I guess you're going to be first when he does now too. FYL indeed.

Am I the only person who read this and thought: "Ha, OP's gonna die." ? Good luck OP. Also; I agree with #1. That's a fairly cool statement actually. Mind if I use that? I reckon it's a FML cause you were just being social/friendly. Unlucky on who you chose to be social towards though ^_^

No, I didn't find it humorous that OP is going to die

Agreed with #6, you'll be first. Oops :(.

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Haha nope #7 I did too Invest in running shoes...