By dwek - 15/05/2009 11:07 - United Kingdom

Today, while checking through the graphic novel section of my library, I noticed a gay manga porn comic. While I was wondering who in the world would ever RENT such an item, I realised I had been staring at it for a full five minutes and people were watching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 889
You deserved it 61 440

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm, gay people would...? Or maybe people who stare at it for five minutes...?


Yaois are awesome. so are shonen-ai..

They really are. Like candy for your inner fangirl. X3

emmyers 0

yaoi is love ~<3 Don't lie OP you are a secret fan.

yaoi is ******* amazing. I would definitely get it.

Don't you dare trashtalk Yaoi. That shit is like cocaine.

Sessee 4

Don't feel bad, I would do that, too. You should have just rented it :D

Ummm, gay people would...? Or maybe people who stare at it for five minutes...?

#4 and #5 Actually those manga are aimed at females (I know alot who read them and read them myself).

Sunny_Eclipse 6

#5: Yes there are, you speak the truth. However, I don't know anyone who would rent a straight hentai manga from a *library*. Plus, I'd question it's cleanliness... just saying ;) OP: Lol, FYL.

the OP is saying that it's gross to rent something that someone else probably used to ********** with. that's why he put the word rent in caps. i tend to agree; i'd just buy it.

You must protect the children from reading such trash! Check out the book and burn it, immediately.