By Kourou - 21/11/2008 12:53 - France

Today, I went to rent a DVD with my 85-year-old grandpa. I was walking around and then realized I was alone. I looked for him for quite a while until I finally found him open-mouthed in the porn section. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 214
You deserved it 3 047

Same thing different taste


Root123 0

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StopTheFuckinCar_fml 0

And I love how your profile account says you were born in 1989...

pu13 5

awwww your right old people looking at **** is so cute( sarcasm )

BurnBabyyBurn 0

lmao, "thats so cute" actually, true that :D

notfromearth7 0

I loled because I could totally see my grandfather doing this.

aw. probably wishing he was still hot n' ready

usernamegoeshere 0

lawl grandpa needs to have the good old days back