By EmbarrassedGirlfriend101 - 17/08/2011 16:40 - United States

Today, while at my boyfriend's house, my stomach began to hurt really badly, so I excused myself to take a shit. I let it all out. Later on, his dad went to the bathroom and yelled, "Goddamn son, what the hell did you do in here?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 285
You deserved it 7 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments


From her description, lighting a match might have been unwise. It's one thing to make a toilet unusable for 15 or 20 minutes, destroying an entire house with a methane explosion is quite another.

Lol yeah right like that would happen.

Mean_Mr_Mustard 9

Pretend someone else went in after you did bur before his father did? Unless it is only his father and him there... then your ******.. Or not, if you catch my drift(winks and nudges your shoulder)

Don't worry, you couldn't control your needs.

Glockinator 2

My boyfriend high fives me when I fart or take a poo. God love him for that.