By shorty - 21/04/2014 04:11 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, when I went to the shopping centre, the automatic door wouldn't open for me. I had to stand there and wait until someone else walked by to open it for me. I have dwarfism and this is a daily occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 608
You deserved it 4 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well its definetly not your fault i have a growth hormone disorder im 17 and only 4'11

Great things come in small packages op...


You don't suffer from dwarfism, you have been blessed with it! Embrace what you have OP!

You can only say that if you're a dwarf or exceptionally short as well. Otherwise, you can't tell someone that the daily challenges they face are a "blessing" because you don't know what it's like. It trivializes their problems.

Tall people have some issues on their lifes too.... recently, we had to left a co-worker out of a "go-kart" race because he wouldn't fit inside a kart, being 2.01m (around 6'9") tall. The world is designed primarily for people who match the average height and weight; if you fall down or go up one or both of those averages, you start having trouble. Best wishes to you, OP, and good luck with those doors!

Are there doors you can open? Still I do understand how that is a bit...

Life sometimes has its ups and downs OP.

dress like an english gentleman and always take an umbrella with you. also helps with high elevator buttons. plus it'll make you look like a movie star. i call that win-win-win.

The doors aren't good enough for you that's all

middlenamefrank 8

For some reason I'm moved to paraphrase MLK: "I have a dream today, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the stature of their bodies but by the content of their character." Being short doesn't mean you can't stand tall, my man.

push the doors to the side, they will open after a moment of pressure.

Don't worry, the doors don't open for me either... I don't think it's a height thing... just a lack of a soul...