By shorty - 21/04/2014 04:11 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, when I went to the shopping centre, the automatic door wouldn't open for me. I had to stand there and wait until someone else walked by to open it for me. I have dwarfism and this is a daily occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 608
You deserved it 4 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well its definetly not your fault i have a growth hormone disorder im 17 and only 4'11

Great things come in small packages op...


liquidpwnage 15

I'm 6 ft. and this happens to me literally everyday. It's not just you.

z0mBi3kiTTy 18

when this happens to me, I run a few feet and then jump at the door! it works!

Is it wrong that I laughed out loud at this

plus IF it makes you laugh I was told last week to sue the municipalities for making the sidewalk to close to my ass!

OP I'm guessing that you've already spoken to centre management about it? If not then you should and follow it up with an email. If that doesn't work try contacting the anti-discrimination board and see if that works. Not sure if they can help but they may be able to suggest someone who can. Otherwise try your local councillor or member of parliament. I'm 5'2 and I have trouble with sensors at times and I'm sick of having to climb up on shelves at the supermarkets if something I want is up on the top shelf or located at the back where I can't read it even on the shelf second from the top. I can understand how annoying this would be for you.

Your right! Because your short they should just have one lone shelf in every aisle for the .03% of people who are to short to reach lol get over it and marry a tall person

Tell them that you are Tyrion Lanister. A Lanister always repays his debts.