By shorty - 21/04/2014 04:11 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, when I went to the shopping centre, the automatic door wouldn't open for me. I had to stand there and wait until someone else walked by to open it for me. I have dwarfism and this is a daily occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 608
You deserved it 4 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well its definetly not your fault i have a growth hormone disorder im 17 and only 4'11

Great things come in small packages op...


ChrissieDoll 7

My mother is 5'1" :/ Totally feel your pain.

I'm sorry but this might be the funniest thing I've read all week. That sucks man.

that's a pretty Big problem,. sorry just had to make a joke.

A lot of them are weight activated- I've seen them open for cats. Sorry OP that must be frustrating

soz for you OP, but being 6/2 and just doing 46 hours of flights from NZ to UK I would envy your stature.

I'm 'only' 6', and I struggle to get the emergency seat every time I take a flight... when I can't book one of those seats that have more space for the legs it's a pain in the ass, thighs, shoulders, etc

Where I live opening doors for other people comes almost as naturally as breathing. I'm sorry people aren't polite enough to stop even a few seconds to help you, OP.

askullnamedbilly 33

Maybe they didn't realize there was a problem. If I was in OP's situation, I wouldn't really feel like abandoning the last shreds of my dignity and jumping up and down, and an automatic door is not usually one that needs to be opened by other people. If I saw a short person standing in front of a closed automatic door, I'd assume they were waiting for a friend, not that they need help getting in.

Korra_fml 23

OP, automatic doors can also be pushed open. that little nubby that sticks out with the keyhole in it? put ur hand on it (cuz likely that's the only spot where u'd be able to push it from.. unless its some kind of weird door) and slide it open.

Korra_fml 23

u mean the two glass doors that u walk up and one slides one way and the other slides the other way and u walk in between? that's what im talking about. u put ur hand on the keyhole knobby and push it to the side and it will open. it's designed to do that just in case of, say, a power outage. otherwise, everyone inside would be trapped inside.

Look on the bright side. As far as "terrible life issues" least dwarfism is a...small one.

How did you comment not get thumbed down and mine did? All I said was OP got the short end of the stick lol