By Anonymous - 18/09/2010 00:33 - United States

Today, I attended a job fair for a position at a shop. I was the only one who showed and submitted an application. I didn't get the job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 577
You deserved it 3 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iiNsTinK 0

Lol. that must have been embarassing... fyl..


Saying first isn't a comment. It's pretty lame btw! oh and OP that sucks, but you should have been better qualified!

technically a comment.. just really off topic one. don't hate.

MissErikaHart 0

guess you will have to donate more plasma

iiNsTinK 0

Lol. that must have been embarassing... fyl..

22cute 17

Or maybe Op is covered in tattoos and piercings. Appearance matters in some jobs.

BoyBeyond 0

Yea I agree they didn't like you. But the job couldn't be all that great if no one else wanted it. I'm sure if you keep looking something will come up.

I know how you feel. I applied for a cashier position at a restaurant. I've worked retail cash registers and food service registers before. i have never been off by more than 8¢. the marquee said immediate hiring for part time positions- exactly what i wanted. the manager said I was the only qualified person, yet I still didn't get the job.

It sucks huh, this happens to me all the time. that's why I'm still unfortunately unemployed. but still FYL

I agree I'm still have no job and I need one bad, sighs what's wrong with the world do they only want perfect people? Cause I'm willing to work, I may not have experience but I want to...

FYLDeep 25

At least you know not to reapply in the future. If you didn't get the job now you can be sure that it's because you were unskilled or unemployable, and not because there was a better candidate. You can sleep easy knowing that you really aren't worth shit. Anyway, I hope you feel better reading this.

adorkable_spazz 0
mattmalin11 0

#12 can you make a single comment that doesn't make you sound like a total ******* douche bag? You are simply an ASSHOLE.

wDeemish 0