By Brastro - 07/04/2009 11:46 - Ireland

Today, we were at the end of our surfing trip watching a photo montage. A picture popped up of an ugly girl surfing so I shouted out "I didn't know Shrek could surf". The room went very quiet. "Shrek" was sitting beside me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 986
You deserved it 179 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knowitall 1

I hope you feel terrible. You sound like a positively awful person.

Trix_Disorder 20

Even if she wasn't in the room, who the **** says stuff like that? YDI.


Floatout2sea 0

I fail to see how this is a F YOUR life. This is an F HER life! That is just SO cruel, and what's worse is your more worried about your own embarrassment than her feelings!

LMFAO!!! dude that's pretty good. i would've high-fived you if i was there. and to everyone calling him an asshole, please STFU. it's funny. and if the girl is ugly then whatever, she's ugly. she should know that by looking in the mirror.

More like FHL for being humiliated by an asshole like you. #106, you're just as bad.

What on earth? Even if you knew she was nowhere around, the humour is on par with standing up and shouting "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME BEING A TWELVE-YEAR-OLD BOY LOOK AT ME." Learn to be a real person before you speak anymore. :)

I're one of thoooose people! You suck at life!

wow- u really suck ur never gonna get a girl if ur like that...

idk if someone already said this, but to #13's post, Donkey was there. They were the OP on this FML lol

cdonnae 0

wow, that was unnecessarily rude... douche.