Huge fan of his work

By laf@me - 25/02/2009 07:42 - Canada

Today, I forgot my work clothes at home, so my boss gave me a jacket with a name patch that said "Mike". Still wearing my work clothes, I ran into my ex-girlfriend on my way home. We were together for five years, until she dumped me for a guy name Mike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 246
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifeedhobos 0

Looks like your ex got Mike out of his work clothes, and left them ready for you to wear. ;]

Yeah, because there is only one Mike in the world. Are you still in love with your ex? Because that's the only way it's FML. And that would make you suck.


ifeedhobos 0

Looks like your ex got Mike out of his work clothes, and left them ready for you to wear. ;]

Yeah, because there is only one Mike in the world. Are you still in love with your ex? Because that's the only way it's FML. And that would make you suck.

No it looks like he could have changed his name just because of it

Boo hoo, cry me a river. I see no stunning irony in this post, just a lame coincidence. FML FAIL. Michael was the most popular boys name for many years running, btw.

#2, 3, and 4 Lay off, guys. Still in love with her or not, that meeting would have been mega awkward, regardless of how common the name Mike is. He could have been wearing a "John Doe" name tag; if his girlfriend had left him for John Doe, it would have been awkward.

Inkspell 2

Uhm, i think what he meant was that she woudve thought he was trying to be mike because his girlfriend left her for a man named Mike, therefore, he thought that she might've thought that he was still grieving over the break up or something and pretended to be "Mike" you know, well, it's hard to explain in text. >___>; But it's all clear in my head.. T__T

agree w/ 6. at first when I read it I thought sfw, but then I got to thinking about it, if that happened to me with my ex it would have looked so pathetic.

Herbs_Special 0

This is funny shit! I would love to see the look on her face!

xolotl 0

This is not a FML. It's not even a little embarrassing. I didn't rate because neither thing applied. How in the world did this get through?