Don't have fun without me

By torri - 09/01/2022 05:01 - United States

Today, on my friend's birthday, I met a guy I really liked at a club, and he asked me to go home with him. At 2 a.m., my friend called but I missed her calls. When I woke up, she'd texted me pictures of all my things that I had at her place thrown outside in the snow. All because I didn’t go home with her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 580
You deserved it 1 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sasor123 6

Did she want the guy or did she want you?

Did you ditch her there alone and that’s why she’s mad? You never leave a friend alone while on a night out.


Sasor123 6

Did she want the guy or did she want you?

Jon Tessler 14

It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to. Was she expecting some birthday sexy time with you? Or maybe a threesome?

Isn't it supposed to be the birthday person who gets laid?

Did you ditch her there alone and that’s why she’s mad? You never leave a friend alone while on a night out.

Did you leave her alone and that’s why she’s mad? You never leave a friend alone on a night out.

If you didn't tell her (or your other friends) that you were leaving YDI. Otherwise it's pretty extreme.

Girl Code: We go together, we leave together unless all parties agree otherwise.