Wow, thanks, I'm cured!

By Anonymous - 23/11/2021 20:01

Today, I got the best advice for my depression and anxiety from my parents and relatives: "Get it out of your head, there's no such thing. And get married!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 122
You deserved it 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vinvin2210 15

Hey.. my family said the same crap to me a few years ago and it took me 2 extra years to seek help.. go talk to a professional.. it helps.. just unburdening yourself

Getting married to fix yourself is epically bad advise.


vinvin2210 15

Hey.. my family said the same crap to me a few years ago and it took me 2 extra years to seek help.. go talk to a professional.. it helps.. just unburdening yourself

Getting married to fix yourself is epically bad advise.

Getting married will fix everything! No one who is married is ever depressed or anxious. Google it -- it's a scientific fact.

It’s hard to know where to start. I’m no doctor or psychologist but I used to suffer from depression and got help. (1) Seek professional help. Depression is a real mental health issue and it takes people who are qualified to help you. You will probably wind up needing counseling or a psychologist for sure and possibly a prescription anti-depressant. The psychologist/counseling will give you the best long term effect and an antidepressant, if medically necessary may give fairly prompt help, but after a while it becomes less effective. That’s why you need both for a serious case. (2) Friends, parents, relatives are not qualified to help you through serious depression. Unfortunately, prior generations saw mental health issues as a stigma and a lot of bullshit “cheer up and snap out of it” advise has been given - But that never helps someone with depression. It only means they don’t want to deal with it. (3) Holidays, if you have a tendency towards depression, are times that are especially prone to unleashing the demons of depression. Most of us have unreasonable expectations of a perfect family, a perfect holiday and that’s not real life. So the difference between what we hope the holidays will be and the reality brings on depression in many cases. (4) It should go without saying - Marriage in itself never “fixes” anyone’s problems. You need to go into that when you and your intended are of a good frame of mind to make important decisions. (5) Avoid alcohol or drugs - The very temporary lift results in much worse problems and reinforces the cycle of depression. You might try dark chocolate, by the way It might give a very minor boost to your spirits just don’t overdo it. Anything can be taken to excess.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

DBT therapy helps a lot, would highly recommend it

And1 12

Get married, then you will have genuine reasons for depression and anxiety.

Oh its a real thing. I know that you know this, but thought it would help you to hear confirmation from someone else. People who are strong in the family need time to not be strong. It is healthy