By Anonymous - 11/11/2014 15:37 - United States

Today, my wife slapped me for touching her boobs during sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 353
You deserved it 6 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe her boobs are sore right now? If this is the first time she's done it, ask her about it.


DogeMan 14

Wow that's a weird way o describe them lol

Can't live with them,can't make sandwich by myself. Damn the dilemma here...I'm going to take the slap. Edit: WARNING!!!! I might be slightly sarcastic and or joking.

"One part love, one part wild One part lady, one part child I give you Women! women! - Lots of pretty women Men! men! - They can't live without them"

blazerman_fml 17

#26 Sweater Missiles..Damn I've heard boobs bewbs rockets pointy peaks melons apples (other fruit) but never sweater missiles.. Im curious where did you learn that one?#28 makes a solid point.

I just started reading the "womanual". One hundred fifty pages in, and I'm not even out of the table of contents yet.

WomanuaI, I need a copy bud. Chicktionary isn't as thorough as I would like. These are "99 Names for Boobs" Enjoy.

#35 I just got all excited over the fact you put Def Leppard lyrics. You are awesome! Be my friend????

Sweater missiles reminds me of Austin powers haha! FEMBOTS! Austin Powers Fembots:

Woman are like space: Nobody knows what they are and I watch you a night

#1 - I said the same comment on a previous post and the moderator temporarily banned me. Apparently you can only make sexist comments about your own sex- the hypocrisy

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"Will go all out if that happens" If what happens?! God forbid op actually touches his wife during sex. Remember kids the bible says moving around during coitus will send you straight to hell with a hand mark on your face! /sarcasm

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THEY WERE HAVING SEX! thats permission right there!

NellieeNell 18

Because asking permission from your wife, while you're having sex makes a lot of sense -__-

Maybe her boobs are sore right now? If this is the first time she's done it, ask her about it.

That doesn't give her a right to slap him. They were having sex so grabbing her boobs should be something she expects and if she didn't want him touching them she should have said so before they started.

Criminallylnsane 13

Maybe she did but OP didn't pay attention.

@37 Trust me, if the conversation was about boobs, he heard

gemstone586 12

if she's pregnant, she had every right. haha. them babies HURT!

I think you mean if she WAS pregnant and is breast feeding..?

98 - no, you still dont get that "right"

Exactly. If they're sore and he suddenly hurt them, she may hace slapped him as a involuntary reaction. like if someone were to sneak up on you and you punch them due to being startled.

he probably grabbed too hard thinking he was in a porno or something

how hard did you touch them, like squeeze hard or caress gently.

You've got to ease into it, you don't just go squeezing them like a stress ball

yet are not balls. although guys have stress balls. may i demonstrate on you good sir?

only softy, otherwise I would cry like a little sissy.

Dominatrix role play? Gotta ask permission from the mistress.

No means no! Don't touch her. Just have sex and remember no to look her in the eye. Seriously though what the hell. Maybe she's sensitive ?

Usually when having consensual sex, I believe it is normally ok to touch. No one is trivializing anything, but I believe if ignorance and pre-judgment has shown their ugly little face. Have a little humor in your life, you'll be happier and live longer.

Mc2013 18

Someone's panties are in a knot... Not you devildog, unless you wear panties.

Depends on if I'm working the boulevard. No undies on Fridays to make the big money. Lacy on Saturdays and tux thong on football Sundays Haha everyone is entitled to their opinion. And I mean no offense. To each their own.

When the river runs red, take the dirt road home. She could have been sore

If they're having sex, chances are she's not on her period.

I think that's a pretty far jump, although you may be right. Plus maybe she's coming up on her menstrual time and he might not know how much she's in pain.

boxers4lyfe 17

#21 I disagree. There are plenty of women who will have sex on their period.

es3508 16

Wow, I've never heard it described like that >.

#49, we get horny on our periods, all girls I know want sex on their periods. Maybe some don't but just to be clear it's usually guys who don't like putting their dicks in a bloody hole. I respect that though.

FML won't let me delete that damn comment because I realized how stupid it is. But also maybe she was having PMS and wasn't bleeding yet. She may have still been sore.

Why is that so unlikely? Lots of men and women are happy to have sex on their period!