By noname - 13/12/2008 05:48 - France

Today, my wife, in her magnificent wedding dress, had her period during the ceremony. How did I find out? The same way everyone else did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 845
You deserved it 2 972

Same thing different taste

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ok well...maybe she was just so excited she forgot? ugh, i don't know when my ******* period is coming! i'm not an idiot, it's just irregular! so basically, have a heart. it's her wedding day, do you think she WANTED to find out that way? and dude...i agree with 11, and in doing so i'm giving you one less comment that's basically calling you an asshole =]


ok well...maybe she was just so excited she forgot? ugh, i don't know when my ******* period is coming! i'm not an idiot, it's just irregular! so basically, have a heart. it's her wedding day, do you think she WANTED to find out that way? and dude...i agree with 11, and in doing so i'm giving you one less comment that's basically calling you an asshole =]

dizzygirl06 0

aww, in all seriousness, that sucks for her. way to have the most important day of her life ruined. i hope people weren't too disrespectful about it.

blacklagoon_fml 0

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CherishFlowers 0

"Who you marry doesn't matter"?? That's got to be one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

wow ha that's a life commitment I would call that important

AmericanRedcoat 6

He's saying "who you marry doesn't define you, or the way you live." you know what, I have a lot of respect for him/ her as for the OP, women bleed. it is a fact of life. Even of their period comes and goes and we don't expect it for months, under stress -- like maybe a wedding!!!-- sometimes, women bleed again, called a show. I really hope you're not the douchebag you seem and comforted her on this obviously special day that was darkened by stress. FHL man.

hausmad1 3

You will never bE happy.. A wedding isn't just special to a women it's special to a man to. So saying it doesn't matter is just talking like an ass

Dayen 0

there is a such thing as being irregular you know. so sorry about your wife. hopefully in the future you two can look back and laugh about what happened.

Erm. Yes, there is such a thing as being irregular. What the hell else would you call it coming unpredictably at different times each month?

I don't believe it... I'm irregular too, and not only would she not have noticed getting it, it wouldn't have had time to soak through all the layers of her dress, unless she was hemoraging. And if it by some amazing chance it had, her bridesmaids would SO have told her before she walked down the aisle. I don't believe this is real in the least, but if it was, you'd be such a jerk for not only not being sympathetic but for posting about it online, that I'd hoped she'd divorce you by next month.

I had my period on my wedding day, and my dress had so many layers there was NO chance that it could ever be seen in the ceremony! Also, it's not like it comes out like a tap! MEN!

I have a hard time believing this because: a) She should know around the time her period is coming, even if she's irregular, and take precautions. If she's old enough to get married she's old enough to have become accustomed to her cycle. b) It doesn't just flow out and soak through that many layers of fabric, as others above me have pointed out. She would feel it before it got the chance to be that heavy. On the off chance that this is true, I can see why it is **** both your lives and not just hers since the wedding day is equally yours and hers. That would be pretty embarrassing to say the least. I'm gonna make sure not to plan my wedding day on my period.