All weddings are themed

By Anonymous - 01/07/2020 20:08

Today, I went to pick up my wedding dress from the seamstress, only to find out that my fiancé called two weeks ago to say I wanted the dress "tie-dyed to match our new theme." She believed him. Our wedding is tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 937
You deserved it 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

Is your fiance a prankster or is he just trying to sabotage the wedding because he changed his mind? You should try and ask about that before you both make a mistake that will ruin your lives. I'm really sorry, OP.

I don't believe this. I don't believe a professional seamstress would do this without contacting you first to make sure.


Ambrily 27

Is your fiance a prankster or is he just trying to sabotage the wedding because he changed his mind? You should try and ask about that before you both make a mistake that will ruin your lives. I'm really sorry, OP.

It's possible that the answer is neither and the OP may find out that the Finance had it "Tie-dyed to match our new theme" because the Fiance has actually adjusted the theme and made sure the bride fit in to it. I've read and heard multiple stories about partners (and family members) changing wedding details to suit what they want behind the brides back because they either don't think the brideand/or know based on the bride saying no that the bride will accept the things they want. There is a push in the world that it is "The brides day" when it really isn't. It's the couples days but so often people go "What the bride wants the bride should get, it's her day make her feel like a princess" . So perhaps the guy wants to get married but he didn't want to deal with a bridezilla planner. Not saying that excuses it, just saying that it may not be a case of joking or trying to break up with the bride but simply had his own plan for what he wanted and failed to compromise.

rotflqtms_ 21

It's her dress. She should have the final say in what she will wear. I wouldn't pay for a ruined dress, and I'd seriously consider postponing until I get a suitable dress then make sure the shop doesn't change anything about my dress without my specific say so. He can do that to his suit, but leave my dress out of it.

it IS the couple's day however the groom should have talked it over and the bride agree...

I agree completely. My comment was only to point out that there is a third possible option to this situation.

You're going to look so beautiful! I'm tired of boring white. And let's get real -- who's a virgin these days? You'll be able to rock at the reception because if people spill on you, no one will be the wiser.

Taylor Caldwell 10

White wedding dresses actually started from copying a queen that had worn a white dress and not from the popular idea that it symbolizes virginity

"who's a virgin these days?", well I don't know, maybe actual virgins?

crashtestdumplin 16

If it is hideous, but you absolutely love the dress otherwise, maybe you can salvage it with elaborate lace, beading, rhinestones, or tulle. If it is not a one-of-a -kind then I would repurchase. If not affordable and/or available, maybe rent a similar design. I don’t know your financial situation or how big the wedding is, but I assume it cannot be postponed on a moments notice. I’m sorry that happened, but I like to believe in the best of people and I assume your future husband thought the seamstress would call you before proceeding and you both would get a good laugh out of it and say something along the lines of “could you imagine if she actually did that, I would have panicked”. However since it did happen, now would be the time to be real creative in a bad situation. I do not know how dyeing works but maybe it is reversible if the colors are pale. Im sorry OP but good luck and know that if nothing else, it will be a story that never gets old and becomes more funny as time goes on. I wish you a future of happiness.

So what did it get tie dyed to? How often does he do stuff like that? Might reconsider that marriage...

I don't believe this. I don't believe a professional seamstress would do this without contacting you first to make sure.

voodoo66 5

it's a sign u shouldn't marry him

Your husband does not strike me as particularly smart or sensitive. The seamstress is probably mortified and you most likely feel extra stressed now. If it’s a prank, he’s a complete idiot.

bl3ur0z3 17

Your ex fiance with whom your wedding was going to be tomorrow, right?

that would cost a lot of money to dye a wedding dress and I'm pretty sure no seamstress worth any money would take a call from a guy to extremely alter a wedding dress without checking with the bride first. pretty sure OP is full of it