By Alexis - 26/08/2011 23:32 - United States

Today, my dad looked me dead in the eyes and told me that if I wanted to join the Lingerie Football League, I would have his approval. His drunken friends nodded in agreement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 123
You deserved it 3 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7

So go ahead and do it already. He said it's okay.

allinicolesmh 0

*Dad watching lfl* "That's my girl, I raised her good!"


Fx13mz 7

So go ahead and do it already. He said it's okay.

Wow your dad sounds like a creep. But at least you won't have to worry about him disapproving your choices. My dad would kill me if I joined.

Here comes a slew of incest jokes, ho0o0oray. That's pretty ******' creepy, OP. I'd put a lock on my door if I were you.

it's better than the mens lingerie football league.....

Do it for your state, country, dad and all the guys that thumbed up your fml.

I dont see how this is an FML I guess OP doesnt understand that what her dad and his friends said was the biggest comliment a dude could give you. Well that and "nice ****" but hearing that from your dad would be weird

Mine would disown me if I joined the lingerie football awful football skills would be a disgrace to the family name. On a side note. I'm sitting here watching tv with my parents. I look up at the tv after reading this and you'll never guess what was on? Lingerie football of course.

Another example of alcohol bringing out the best in someone.

MrFancy 0

He clearly wants to hit on all the lfl friends you'll meet.

toy must have a smoking hot body to do so. it's kinda messes up for him and his friends thing so though. I'm tol drunk to post god damn it. I'm sorry y'all!

I'd join in supporting you. But people tell me I'm a certified creeper too... ): it's lonely in the creeper zone.

If you ignore the fact it's her dad and his friends and remember they are drunk, it's kind of a complement? But yeah ew gross dads shouldn't say stuff like that....

Finn_the_human 5

Thanks drunken friends and thanks dad. People like you are the ones who are keeping that sport alive.

LaydiexSkull 3

Well maybe OP's dad wants her to be sporty but also wants her to be able to keep her feminism so what better way to do that then join the LFL

Apparently the girl has absolutely no issues. :3 Or her dad was just stoned along with his buddies.

no no, her dad doesn't have issues. He was being tactical. He was trying to find a way of meeting with and possibly sleeping with his daughters team mates.

I ******* love the lingerie football league

Reverse psychology FTW. OP got mindfucked.

hey, girlie. you've got approval! it's better than having a creepy dad who think it's totally cool for you to run around in your underwear so that maybe he can see it... oh, wait.

She should REALLY tell someone about this (not Internet people) cause your dad might be a freak

borkchop1992 15
thesunsetglow_fml 8

Anything involving lingerie and your father is automatically not a compliment.

leadman1989 15

Yeah, at first I thought it was gonna be an insult.

OPs dad is proud that she has grown up to be worthy of Lingerie Football. Definately a compliment. (maybe it is also so he gets to attend all games free to "support his daughter")

koolkat27 13

her dad never did anything but tell her to ask his approval. it was his pervy friends who nodded. people, please learn to read next time;)

67, that's not what the fml says. the fml says that her father gave her approval: "... i would have his approval" not "... i would have TO ASK FOR his approval." so you have no reason to be snarky.

olpally 32
allinicolesmh 0

*Dad watching lfl* "That's my girl, I raised her good!"

Madiluvsyuh98 2
thesunsetglow_fml 8

Hahaha the typo makes the dad sound like the dumbass he is. I certainly hope it was intentional.

Hey, that's how some people speak and it was in quote thingies

bizarre_ftw 21
aFatFuck 0

"Come on honey this could really spark your stripping career"

bizarre_ftw 21

See that's not disturbing. Only when he says "and hey! If you want to practice in front of me I'll give you some tips" should she be worried.

nucky_fml 5

You know the idea of incest never crossed his mind

kickazz16 15

Freak his freak, play it in A nuns costume

then it wouldn't be Lingerie Football, now would it...