By Weasel123 - 26/10/2012 07:58 - United States - Anadarko

Today, my roommate decided to go vegan after watching a PETA video. She began this new-found lifestyle by throwing out all of the non-vegan items in the house, including some prime rib we had recently purchased, all of our ice cream, and my chocolate stash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 935
You deserved it 2 349

Same thing different taste


killerwoman0330 2

Your roommate needs to replace the items that were thrown away. It's ridiculous when people force their own agenda and views on others. If she wants to be vegan, great for her, but that's a personal choice. It is not something she can force you to follow. I'd tell her to replace the items and keep her views to herself or find a new place to live.

ViviMage 38

How is chocolate bad! Yes it's a milk product. Vegans are almost across the board nuts. Even my veggie roommate thinks vegans go too far!

ViviMage 38

Oh, btw, I'm allergic to soy products and other latex saps. No soy, no avocado, no bananas. Avoiding peanuts because of a possible allergy. Don't like the texture of mushrooms. Makes going vegan hard if you can't eat some meat replacements.

Some is not all, besides which you can actually fulfil protein and amino acid requirements with beans and lentils and such (i don't, i eat fake meat, but i do know people who do). I'm not saying you should be vegan (you clearly don't want to) i'm just saying don't use allergies as an excuse :P

EricJ 3

Regarding mushrooms: Buy a can of sliced mushrooms. Then cook them separately until they're dried out. Add them to the main dish (pasta or rice). It's like beef strips. Mushrooms have a different texture when they're dried out.

skyeyez9 24

Your roommate is made of meat, so lets see her explain that away.

Ribit 9

She knew your habits before suddenly deciding to go vegan. She most definitely owes you for the stuff she threw out. Give her a bill and tell her to pay it or you'll be getting a new roommate.

If she wants help getting started as a vegan and is athletic I helped develop an app called Vegan and Vegetarian athletes that has a lot of Great information. It's on the google play store!!!

Her being vegan is the problem. Don't encourage it.

Just prove to her that PETA kills more animals than it saves, and that if she really cares about animals, she'd join the SPCA.

Epikouros 31

Today's poll: who's more annoying - vegans, street preachers or princesses who have foreign weddings?

Uhm, made her pay for it... Why are you complaining? It's the concept n principle. Food is pretty serious and it's your money.