By Weasel123 - 26/10/2012 07:58 - United States - Anadarko

Today, my roommate decided to go vegan after watching a PETA video. She began this new-found lifestyle by throwing out all of the non-vegan items in the house, including some prime rib we had recently purchased, all of our ice cream, and my chocolate stash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 935
You deserved it 2 349

Same thing different taste


So she wasted it? Wouldn't it show more respect to the animal to actually give it to someone who does eat meat? Now it's death is in vain. . .

KiddNYC1O 20

She has to go, like right now.

Quick question, I'm stupid I kno, but is weed vegan approved or what?

PhishloverA 14

Throw away her birth control OP

#177 Don't! Stupid breeds stupid. Why would you spread that!?

Lol I don't remember ever seeing OP said they were going Vegan so, why is your roommate throwing out YOUR chocolate stash? Just wondering.

Derpenstien 4

Yeah. Good for her wasting someone else's money and trying to force her beliefs on other people. She and people like her are why some folks hate vegetarians. She's hurting her own movement.

doglover100 28
joufin24 0

I would have whooped her ass right there.