By millie219 - 13/08/2012 15:20 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my mother screamed at my boyfriend, calling him an "evil piece of self-centred trash". He's a sweet guy who does volunteer work for kids with learning difficulties. She's a bitter, passive-aggressive telemarketer who constantly harasses her own family with sales calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 374
You deserved it 2 183

Same thing different taste


Time to screen all your calls from telemarketers . . . including your mom's.

ToxicxKitten 9

Hopefully your boyfriend won't blame you for having such a bitch of a mother. FYL.

wow ur mom sounds like a messed up woman

Would it have been too difficult to type two more letters to make it "your"?

RedPillSucks 31

maybe they have carpel tunnel and typing hurts their hand, or maybe.... Shit, I've got nothing. They're just lazy.

Your mom needs to get laid. Ugh, what a raging bitch.

I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind your mother too much. God forbid you two get married. She would be the only one to stand up to object the marriage and not have a valid reason.

jem970 19

I am so sorry OP. my mother is like this as well and all I can tell you is to just deal with it and tell your boyfriend that she is a raging **** and to not take her seriously. I know blood is thicker than water but sometimes there are family members that need to be cut from your life.

olpally 32

What a bitch on a rampage... I would have no problem saying this to a telemarketer, I'd keep saying "**** you bitch" over the phone til she hangs up... See how she likes being harassed.

I'm going to do that to all telemarketers now lol

Unstable mom. Get her happy pills!!! :)

Could've left it at "she's a telemarketer", OP. We understand your pain and shame.