By millie219 - 13/08/2012 15:20 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, my mother screamed at my boyfriend, calling him an "evil piece of self-centred trash". He's a sweet guy who does volunteer work for kids with learning difficulties. She's a bitter, passive-aggressive telemarketer who constantly harasses her own family with sales calls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 374
You deserved it 2 183

Same thing different taste


It's called projection. When people hide their own faults by "projecting" them on others. My controlling mother calls my boyfriend controlling. For example, when I told him we were going to Canada this summer, he was like, "you should totally check out monkido" (knowing I love high courses). When I showed my mom monkido she was angry, saying, "he is NOT going to DICTATE our vacation and you shouldn't let him." He just wanted to show me something he knew I'd think was cool -_-

Change your first/last names and stay far away from that b*tch as posable

She sounds like my ex bf He is always saying I do nasty stuff when he is one that is doing it and calling me pyscho retarded ***** when he is one

MyWorldAway 0


A woman who doesn't get along with her mother, he should not have gotten into that situation in the first place

Well if that's how she is, perhaps you shouldn't care what she thinks. Just a suggestion; that's what I'd do.

Your mom need help. May i suggest a firm slap upside the head?

TcheQ 12

Ban your mother? Simple really.

You should post your moms cell number so we can all call her during dinner:)