By wow - 28/11/2011 01:07 - United States

Today, my mom went through my textbook and sharpied everything that could be "pornographic." It's a high-school biology textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 914
You deserved it 2 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JinxosGirl87 0

Be careful she doesn't Sharpie out your naughty parts while you sleep. You're apparently not ready to be seeing the naked body.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Tell her to have fun paying for ruining the book.


trippons 9

Well at the end of the year when they want to charge her to buy a replacement you can remind her of what she did... I heard those books aren't cheap either. FherL

I absolutely cannot stand when overprotective mothers do this, I feel your pain OP. My mum does shit like this all the time.

mom2pen 4

You're from Texas, they censor all their textbooks anyway- no evolution, no minorities, no W as the president. So I doubt she found much.

Actually, as someone in the public school system in Texas, I can state that none of these things are true. we do study evolution, and we do recognize minorities.

TylerOMFG 7

Wow, parents like this need to know that high schoolers already know the human body, well most of them anyway, and can't be overprotective anymore.

Is your mom a god-fearing bible thumping whackjob?

Ahh the things you learn about the human anatomy in biology..

chels1994 11

Those are rather expensive... I'm assuming, however, that she doesn't know this... good luck

And people wonder why Maury is filthy rich...