By wow - 28/11/2011 01:07 - United States

Today, my mom went through my textbook and sharpied everything that could be "pornographic." It's a high-school biology textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 914
You deserved it 2 068

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JinxosGirl87 0

Be careful she doesn't Sharpie out your naughty parts while you sleep. You're apparently not ready to be seeing the naked body.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Tell her to have fun paying for ruining the book.


At least it isn't a anatomy and physiology book... Haha

Show her the bill for a new biology textbook to replace the one she destroyed.

Not thinking about the price for a moment, or even not being able to learn from the text book, does this mother not think that kids talk and share things. Is she going to scribble over every school book or lock her child up, not letting them speak to anyone? Learning these things is just a part of growing up, the kid either learns through conventional means or gets all the inaccuracies that comes with second hand gossip.

rubyliu8420 7

I hope she's ready to buy that text book...

Gothicbunnyx3 16
rillastyle 1

Get said sharpie and draw cocks through her cook books, bible, newspaper

Talk about overprotective! Just make sure she's the one paying for the sharpied book!

HogwartsDropout7 0

I honestly don't see why people act like the naked body is such a big deal, everyone either has a penis or a ******. Why act like you don't? I see hiding stuff like that from 12 year olds, but high school kids? Wow.

I had a feeling this one was from Texas. Did your mom also rip out the chapter on evolution?