Make it yourself, champ

By Cookyourowndamnfoodasshole! - 27/01/2021 18:30 - United States

Today, I overheard my boyfriend complaining that I’m lazy since I never cook for him. I stopped cooking for him because he constantly complained that the food was never as good as what his ex-wife made, or like his mom made. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 316
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ladies, avoid them momma's boys like the plague. Mind you, the same goes for Daddy's princesses.

get rid of his ass. it's only gonna get worse. don't tolerate that shit. mama's boys are the worst


Ladies, avoid them momma's boys like the plague. Mind you, the same goes for Daddy's princesses.

get rid of his ass. it's only gonna get worse. don't tolerate that shit. mama's boys are the worst

Rikkyruk42 2

As a formidable cook, what if her cooking was literal shit? Fool prolly overcooks boiling water too.

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

so that justifies him getting angry over her choosing to stop cooking? that's some interesting logic you've got there.

Rikkyruk42 2

Nope you are right it does not, just tooting my own horn I guess. They both should've tried to find some interest in a simple life skill. My mom taught me better.

Wadlaen 23

Tell him and talk to him - most relationship problems can be solved through dialog.

flagbitch 8

She should learn proper cooking, but he is capable himself. Should he "forgive the error of her ways" then in the future he should decide how to cook it proper.