By EnemyofKarma - 04/03/2010 08:52 - Canada

Today, I marched into my workplace yelling "take this job and shove it", under the impression I would be on a flight in a few days out of here. However, the airline has informed me I cannot fly until April because cargo is too cold for my dog this time of year. Jobless, four weeks to wait. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 274
You deserved it 37 423

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why the hell would you ever want to leave under bad pretenses? I always try to leave my former employers on great terms so that I can still use them as references later on.

eat_this_buddie 5

lame. that's why you should try and not burn bridges. if you had handled it a little better, you could've kept your job for the next four weeks


wait so was there another job? or did this magic plane fly to neverland?

I think she wanted to get a job at where the plane was going.

screw the dog...american ppl r stupids. they give imp to dogs and not to real ppl

TapeMan_3000 0

^ ya amerikun peepil rs sooo dumd loolol psyke you have probably never met more than 3 Americans in your life so STFU you racist clown.

The OP is from Canada. So, I guess I am confused as to why "american ppl r stupids."

MetroidSlayer01 8

sorry, but clowns scare the shit out of me O_0

Jrook 0

yeah canadians are not Americans, but Europe refers to them as such. the only thing you can call citizens of the united states is americans, or maybe united stations... unites... fat asses.. or Yankees. I don't really care for any of them

#23 Youre an idiot. I'd elaborate but I think the reasons are pretty obvious.

last time I checked most of the western hemisphere is considered the Americas...

From my experience, Europeans do differentiate between Canadians and "Americans." That's why so many people tell you to pretend to be Canadian when traveling Europe, lol. The stereotype is that Americans are rude and Canadians are not. At least from my experience.

Yeah 23 you're right. She should have killed her dog instead. Cuz we stpd Amuricanz pplz r ratarded like dat.

yes but not everyone is american. some are south american some are canadian and some are mexican.

guys... c'mon. so 23's English isn't the best. I might actually have to agree. I'd rather have a job than a dog, though I wouldn't just screw the dog over.

mikeyboi19 5

@41 that doggie picture is awesome to all the people talkin shit about Americans... you're probably from crappy countries anyways and most Americans don't really care about you or what you say OP: stupid move man. future jobs might find out about what you did through reference and such

kkamp516 10

that's funny, the feeling is mutual about you pieces of trash.

bittersweetheart 0

so you were going to fly away with no job waiting for you?

well maybe they have a job waiting for them where they wanted to go to, but because they can't fly there they are jobless where they are at now

bittersweetheart 0

take a train, kennal the dog!

Again, OP is in Northwest Territories; sadly, there is less than 100 miles of CN track into that territory and smaller supplemental railways don't cover the whole territory. Most of it is boreal forest and there is not a full system of roads and highways although in winter some lakes and rivers become roads. Transportation there is not nearly as convenient as in other parts of Canada. Yet, there are airfields in many of the remoter communities.

PsychoMerk 0

It could have been worse. I would have been running around and jumping on tables and stuff until he fired me instead. But that's just me o_o

Physcomerk 0

learn how to read, duh, physconub! stop commenting on every fing fml your just like snickerdoodles uhhhh diss.

Physcomerk 0

learn how to read, duh, physconub! stop commenting on every fing fml your just like snickerdoodles uhhhh diss.

o0XMzMayX0o 0
madskillz3088 0
eat_this_buddie 5

lame. that's why you should try and not burn bridges. if you had handled it a little better, you could've kept your job for the next four weeks

Why the hell would you ever want to leave under bad pretenses? I always try to leave my former employers on great terms so that I can still use them as references later on.

THIS What's with the culture of quitting with all the rudeness? You might need their references later and it just says a lot about your bad attitude: That you can't handle goodbyes and can't control your immaturity. Idiot! And why didn't you give your employers two (?) weeks notice? That's beyond rude!

Omgplz 3

My mother had a job where she was emotionally abused by her boss which lead to a breakdown and caused her to end up in a mental institution for a week. I believe she had the right to burn bridges.

These sort of problems arise when your IQ is in the single digit range.

xundria 5

Actually, I believe that it's a law they can't tell exactly what happened because of confidetial means, but they can tell the new employer that they would never higher you again. Yes it is always good to leave respectfully. OP you're an idiot. I hope darwanism gets you next.