By Jonathan - 13/10/2008 08:27

Today, I woke up next to a beautiful, half-naked brunette in my bed. Two minutes later, my alarm clock woke me up for real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 410
You deserved it 19 716

Same thing different taste

Top comments

only half naked? you're not very ambitious.

birchofacookie 0

That's weird. Today, I was having sex on a boat with a hot brunette. Then, I woke up. And Samus slapped me.


blahh12 0

only half naked? you're not very ambitious.

i know right YDI for being negative don't look at the girls as half naked but be positive n think full naked n STD free

This is totally an FML, like the time I woke up to a dick in my ass, lol.

whoretool 0

#4's got it. whered your nuts go?

lmfaooooooooo #5. CHUBBY CHASERS WOOT WOOT!

#5 - cut me in for some of that gay love :D

birchofacookie 0

That's weird. Today, I was having sex on a boat with a hot brunette. Then, I woke up. And Samus slapped me.

What's with all the talk of gay loving?? Though come to think of it, I'm kinda curious now!