Chapped out

By Anonymous - 12/12/2009 09:28 - United States

Today, I was having lunch with my mom before an important job interview. She commented than my lips looked dry and crackly and gave me her chapstick with aloe to put on. Apparently I'm allergic to aloe and my lips got so swollen I could hardly talk. It was too late to reschedule the interview. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 088
You deserved it 2 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it didnt necessarily have to be the aloe the op was allergic to it could have been one of the dozens of chemicals in the lip balm. But then again allergic reactions can happen suddenly.

bloodyfreak_fml 4

It's never too late to reschedule when you have an emergency......


1st! ahah, apply to the same job with another name

Just explain it to the interviewer, I'm sure they will understand!

suaveneanderthal 0

mmmm i bet it looks like you got some big ol' dick suckin lips, those are the best.

I hope it was for a postion with that company that makes those large novelty candy lips.

Man: Hey, sir! Try our wax lips: the candy of 1000 uses. Homer: Like what? Man: One, a humorous substitute for your own lips. Homer: Mm hmm, keep going. Man: Two, er...ooh, I'm needed in the basement!

Kuro_koumori 0

Send him your grandma's nudes instead.

Hm... as someone who is just mildly allergic to aloe, I'm surprised that you didn't know already. That stuff is in everything nowadays, so I doubt that this is the first time you've run into the issue. I'm not going to call fake, but I am going to call "suspicious." Or this is a few years old, before they started putting aloe in everything (lotion, tissues, lip gloss, shampoo, toilet paper, etc.).

Yeah - and also never got a sunburn before. Allergies can develop at any point in life, but rarely that quickly.

bloodyfreak_fml 4

It's never too late to reschedule when you have an emergency......

By the way the FML, I think OP determined that it WAS too late

peroxideprincess 0

but hey, at least they weren't chapped anymore. angelina jolie!!! jk. :P

TooMuchXbox 0

how did you just now find out you're allergic to aloe?

You've seriously never used anything with aloe before...? I mean, I guess it's possible, but it just seems so odd to me...