By chapstick - 09/01/2014 03:23 - United States - San Dimas

Today, my lips were dry and chapped, so I asked if I could use some of my friend's chapstick. She didn't mind, so I quickly put some on. Only later did I notice that my lips were sparkly. Turns out it was glitter balm. Now everyone calls me "princess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 889
You deserved it 13 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, if David Bowie can rock glitter lips, why not you? Just channel your inner goblin king.


It can't be as bad as me. A few years ago I feel asleep in my room with my cousins over. I woke up with a full on makeover including eye liner, hair spray, live balm, eye shadow, and green nail polish. So remember you just got the lipped I got the whole thing and did not have time to even notice until I was already in school.

So what? People get so upset about the silliest things. Be secure enough in your masculinity to rock the glitter balm! OR, embrace your inner gay enough to rock the glitter balm. Your choice :D

JMichael 25

I'd take princess over fairy any day.

graceinsheepwear 33

I'm curious as to why your friend glossed over the fact that it was glitter gloss. Did it not occur to her at the time or did she amusedly just allow the lips, er, chips to fall where they may?

InnocentMalice 12

ey! I suppose princess is better than twilight? someone called me that when I did that mistake....Edward Cullen for a month

Rainhawk94 27

Bad thing about glitter is it's hard to take off

It's the herpes of craft supplies. (Thank you, Demetri Martin)

Did they precede it with, "Well, excuuuuuse me!" when they accidentally bumped into you on the street?

OWN IT. Tell everyone that they can only call you that if they bow down and serve your every whim ;)