By chapstick - 09/01/2014 03:23 - United States - San Dimas

Today, my lips were dry and chapped, so I asked if I could use some of my friend's chapstick. She didn't mind, so I quickly put some on. Only later did I notice that my lips were sparkly. Turns out it was glitter balm. Now everyone calls me "princess." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 889
You deserved it 13 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, if David Bowie can rock glitter lips, why not you? Just channel your inner goblin king.


way to man up during the cold season princess.

Let this be a lesson: Carry your own lip balm with you so you don't get, bombed by a friend. But then I wouldn't loan out my lip balm to anyone.

I left mine at my house, my lips were chapped and burning. I HAD NO OPTIONNNNNNN

you work that glitter gloss princess

You are not alone... Invest in some Carmex and put some on every morning and/or don't really have to worry about chapped lips again...

Should've played it if like you made out with someone who wears it

Hahaha I didn't get this one.....until I realised you were a guy!!!! Lol sorry OP! :')

squarecircles 13

Maybe she's barn with it, maybe it's neighbelline.