By The Cat Tickler - 13/09/2018 15:00

Today, I was talking to myself and got distracted when I was going to put chapstick on my lips. I took the cap off my deodorant and put it on my lips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 823
You deserved it 1 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you finish your conversation at least?

Ah yes, one of those secret Fresh Breath life hacks!


Ah yes, one of those secret Fresh Breath life hacks!

Did you finish your conversation at least?

That reminds me of the time I almost put my lemon gel toothpaste on my face instead of my face cleanser one morning in college.

Zekfen 17

At least you won’t have to worry about upper lip sweat! How has everybody passed over the fact that she was talking to herself? Or is this a normal thing people do?

I only talk to myself if I need good advice that I can trust

I talk to myself A LOT, but I have never distracted nor confused myself into doing something like that.